The Christmas gift that keeps on giving…
Dear Santa, please give me a gift that will help me build brand credibility, reward my customers and appease the Google gods.
A website is often the first point of contact between a business and potential clients, which is why the content must be informative and accurate.
Common content mistakes include:
The main culprits appear to be “your” and “you’re”, “its and it’s”, and “their and there”. Lesson time:
Your: belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing, or belonging to or associated with any person in general.
E.g. I can edit your website.
You’re: short for “you are”.
E.g. You’re going to be thrilled with my content.
Its: the possessive form of it.
E.g. The content on this website has passed its use-by date.
It’s: short for “it is” or “it has”.
E.g. It’s a nightmare trying to remember these bloody rules.
Their: belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
E.g. Businesses illustrate their professionalism via their websites.
There: in, at, or to that place or position.
E.g. There is no need to panic.
Confused? Get in touch with Ink Big Copywriting for a website edit quote.
There is nothing worse than trying to decipher a longwinded, one-sentence paragraph that lacks punctuation. In fact, it is a sure-fire way to lose readers and potential clients. Do yourself a favour and invest in a full stop or two. They’re free!
Make it easy on the reader by sticking to a uniform structure throughout the website when it comes to capitalisation, heading styles and font. The site will be easier to navigate and more visually appealing.
Most readers don’t have time to read a novel on a commercial site. Aim to provide enough information to answer their questions and explain the business, without sending them to sleep with drivel. Bullet points are your friend.
The internet is constantly evolving and changing, and businesses need to keep up with the pace. There is nothing worse than a business advertising a sale or anniversary that is well and truly done and dusted.
Dear Santa, please give me a gift that will help me build brand credibility, reward my customers and appease the Google gods.
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