Social media content & strategy

Tailored content to help grow your business

For businesses, social media is a vital marketing platform, via which you can communicate directly with prospective clients. In this day and age, every business should have a social media strategy in place, in order to optimise their exposure, build their brand and generate new leads.

Your Melbourne social media strategists

Ink Big Copywriting can put together a social media strategy and provide high-quality, seamless content to increase your followers and ultimately drive sales. We tailor our social media plans to your business’ specific needs and goals.

Ink Big Copywriting offer a photography service, so that your social media posts will truly showcase your business, rather than using stock imagery. In addition, we provide SEO-friendly content for blogs that can be shared on social media channels.

What’s involved?

Which social media channels do we recommend using?

Your preferred social media channels will depend on what you’re trying to achieve, your industry and your product or service. If you sell something that is visually striking, such as flowers, you would likely focus your energy on Instagram and Pinterest, which are photo-based. However, if your service is non-visual, such as mortgage broking, you may opt to concentrate your efforts on Facebook and LinkedIn. It’s better to do a couple of platforms well than try to do everything. Here’s an overview of the main social media platforms.

Facebook: Facebook now has more than 1.79 billion monthly active users. This is a great social platform for businesses, as it’s simple to use, easy to manage and you can target different demographics.

Instagram: Instagram is a great photo-sharing social platform for businesses that have an aesthetically appealing product or service. With more than 500 million monthly active users, it allows you to post photos or videos and to categorise them with hashtags.

LinkedIn: With more than 450 million members, this social media platform allows you to connect with business professionals within your industry, network, and share blogs and other posts. The focus should be on sharing industry and company insights.

Twitter: This microblogging service has more than 317 million monthly active users. If your post goes viral, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. The aim is to encourage people to “retweet” your content and to thereby build your following. Hashtags related to what is trending can make all the difference.

Pinterest: Pinterest boasts more than 150 million active users and is great for businesses with visually striking imagery. If you have amazing images to share, they may go viral if your photo is “pinned” by a member with a massive following.

How often do we recommend posting to your business social media channels?

As a business, you should be posting enough to remain visible in the minds of your audience, but not so often that it drives them bonkers. If your posts are haphazard and infrequent, your audience may lose interest and your engagement levels will suffer. However, if you bombard them every few minutes, you’ll become a nuisance and your likes/ followers will likely decrease. Our advice is to go for quality over quantity. Make fewer high-quality posts that stand out.

Facebook: As a rule of thumb, we recommend three to four posts a week on Facebook. According to a study by HubSpot, businesses with a smaller following who posted twice a day experienced a 50% decline in clicks per post. If you have a larger audience of more than 10,000 followers, you can afford to post more frequently – up to twice a day.

 Instagram: Unlike Facebook and Twitter, posting frequency does not affect the success of your Instagram marketing – it’s all about being consistent. If you slow down the posts, you will start to lose followers and engagement, so make a game plan and stick to it.

LinkedIn: The recommendation is to post 20 quality posts per month – 5 posts a week. Typically, your post will reach 20 percent of your followers.

Twitter: The number of Tweets you send out depends on what you’re trying to achieve, but generally a business can post daily. The aim should always be to engage your audience.

Pinterest: The key is consistency. Spread your pins throughout the day and vary your timing. As a business, you can pin five to 30 times a day, but we recommend going for fewer, high-quality posts a day.

Please get in touch with Ink Big Copywriting to discuss your social media needs.

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